Inspired by Exodus Chapters 1 – 15
As I was pondering what to share in my first devotional, it all came together in what I like to call another “God-incidence”. You know those moments? Those moments when God just stitches everything together so perfectly that all you can do is sit there and say “Thank you, Father! You always have the most perfect way to make everything so clear to me.” This morning was a true moment of awe – that even brought me to some tears. Just ask my BFF – before she even knew what was going to flow from my heart and lips, she spoke the words for me. She was part of the God-incident moment.
Before we get to Exodus, let’s begin by looking at a passage of scripture that I have latched on to firmly this year.
2 Timothy 1:6-7
“For this reason I remind you to fan into flames
the GIFT of God,
which is in you through the laying on of my hands,
for God gave us a spirit NOT of fear
but of POWER and LOVE and SELF-CONTROL.”
I can’t not fully explain how deeply those verses impacted me when I discovered them in a whole new way in February of this year. Something was definitely stirring in my heart. Something much bigger than I can yet even comprehend. How and why would God use me and my gifts? I have no gifts worth sharing – right? Oh, how overpowering that spirit of fear can have over your life.
My pondering and moments of doubt and fear since February has led me right up to the message received today from Exodus. If you are familiar with how God called Moses to lead His people free from captivity, then you know that Moses had some BIG, legit questions for God. Why me? I am not a speaker, Lord. I am a stuttering fool. Can you please find someone else to do this? I can totally relate to Moses. I’m an introvert. I’m the quiet one in social settings that can sit at a table for hours and be content taking it all in. Okay, okay – if you give me a microphone I can sing into it – but don’t make me talk. Deal? Alright – if I have to share something with the people, set it to music and that would be cool. Spirit of fear. And I’ve come to recognize it and repent of it.
Let’s recall that God appeared to Moses through a burning bush! A burning bush was speaking to Moses and still he was making up excuses. Seriously? Seriously. That’s pretty hard to ignore and strange to wrap my mind around. Think for a moment how God might be speaking to you in your everyday life. Have you had some God-incidences? I know I sure have lately. No burning bush, but some very clear stitching together of scripture and Godly advice from some very trustworthy sources. And prayer – lots of “questions” in my prayers.
As I embark on this project of reaching an audience to share the JOY of healthy living – I can’t help but feel delivered from my past that held me back from sharing the LOVE of God with those that I encounter on a daily basis. Fear, insecurity, doubt, wanting to hide, shame because of my appearance, the feeling that I had nothing of value to add to the conversation. I have been DELIVERED from all of that. Like the Israelites, God has set me free from my captivity of an unhealthy and joy-lacking existence. I didn’t even realize how powerful this could be until I read the above verses in 2 Timothy with new eyes. Then the message from Exodus today wrapped it all up nicely.
Please don’t misunderstand my talk about healthy living being a requirement for finding your JOY and doing God’s work. This is my testimony and this is the journey that I had to travel to be set free to get to where I am. I did serve and love God while I was obese and metabolically sick. But I didn’t do it with joy nor to the best of my ability. It is overwhelmingly true and unbelievable that this journey has given me a spirit NOT of fear – but of power and love and let’s not forget self-control. I no longer have any fear of sharing my God-inspired, God-guided, God-given journey to freedom with anyone!

I am here to tell you that if you allow God to sustain you in all these areas – physical, emotional, and spiritual – you will be overflowing with JOY to serve Him. Sustenance physically will come from eating real, healthy, low-carb food that will heal your body. Emotional sustenance will come as a result of healthy eating. Spiritual sustenance will require your discipline to be in His Word, pray and to be prepared to respond to your God-incidences. For me, since I am feeling 100% better, I can’t get enough of walking in the spirit. My spirit is jumping for joy – kinda like what I did on the day I reached my goal weight on January 4, 2018!
Our message at church today was wrapped up with a quote that is based on 1 Corinthians 1:27-29.
“God doesn’t call the Qualified ·God qualifies the Called!”
It’s divinely possible (so yeah, you) that God is qualifying you through your low-carb journey to health and wellness. Physical health improves emotional health improves spiritual health. Can I get an amen?!?
Grab your journal and warm up your cup of coffee! You can journal your responses to these questions – or leave a comment below!
Read Exodus 3: 1-14. How many excuses did Moses have for God when he appeared to him through the burning bush? What are some of your excuses when God is trying to work through you?
What do you think is holding you back physically from finding true deliverance in Him? Emotionally? Spiritually?
What steps can you take in your daily life to be ready for those God-incidences?
What are your thoughts on the spirit of “self-control” and where are you with that?
What do you think is your gift(s) that God could use to reach others for Him?
My final thoughts for you on this topic:
You are a unique child of God and He has a plan for you. You need to fan the flame of your gift from God.
I have been set free from my sickness and fatigue. I truly rejoice in the gifts that He has bestowed upon me and will forever praise Him. It’s has truly been a journey of JOY. I am just excitedly waiting for the next place He leads me! I hope you are come along for the journey! Please sign up for my newsletter below.
I’ve created a free resource for you with my favorite five tips for your weight loss success. Grab it here:
5 Tips to Jumpstart Your Health and Wellness Journey
It is overwhelming true and unbelievable that this journey has given me a spirit …
Just wanted to say that I think the word “overwhelming” should be “overwhelmingly” true. What say you? 🙂
Thank you so much! I appreciate that catch! Christine
As I read your devotional I have experienced my own God-incidence .
Since moving to Toledo last month I have started my own journey in self healing.
I started by cutting out the toxic people in my life. Those that drain my energy. Those that take advantage of my giving heart . In self reflection I had found I was caring for everyone else and not caring for myself . So I when I moved I also cleaned out my personal possessions that I had been hanging on for so long . I read a book ” Does this clutter make my butt look fat” . It lead me to see how I was trying to hang onto the past when I was thin.
I then started looking for a new church home. I asked my family that live in Toledo where they went and decided to try ” Greater Dreams Church”
His first sermon was about Moses and the burning bush. *
The next sermon was on ” God does not call the QUALIFIED But QUALIFIES the called.”
As I have sat in these two services my spirit was jumping for it knew it was in the right place. Then I read your blog and devotion and knew I was on the right path to a better life. You have been an inspiration to me . Thank you for sharing your journey to a better Joy Filled life. Love you
Hi Laura! This was the first thing I read in my email this morning, and you made me weepy. I am so overwhelmed by how God is working in so many lives. I’m so happy for you and your journey to joy. Toxic people are hard. Ugh – really hard to reconcile in the heart and mind as a christian. I highly recommend the book “Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud if you haven’t read that one yet.
What a God-incidence regarding the sermons at your church. Ha! I just love that. So happy your spirit is soaring.
I’m going to send you something through FB that I screen-shotted from my devotions this morning. Another God-confirming, God-incidence.
I would love to see you sometime! I feel like we’d have a lot to share. Ohhh, that gives me another idea :). Stay tuned.
Love you, too – dear sister in Christ!
Thank you so much. I went to your link from the diet doctor Facebook page and was so pleasantly surprised to see your content as a believer. Regarding fear it is such a controlling enemy and in my current circumstances it is trying real hard to get my eyes off the end prize of what I am called to do. Thank you again.
Hi Penny! Thank you so much for your kind comment. FEAR is a big one, isn’t it? I’ll pray for you in that regard. One of my favorite songs right now by Zach Williams is “Fear Is A Liar”. It’s an amazing song. Please give it a listen.
Thank you so much for following along – I feel like I have met so many amazing friends through this journey. Please keep sharing! ChooseJoy!