Update: This special edition magazine is available for purchase from Amazon through my Affiliate Link: Keto Over 50
Hello my Fat-Burning Friends (FBFs)!
I have been absent for a few months! Let me tell you why.
My daughter got married on December 7th! Do you know how hard it is to work, plan a wedding, and keep up on regular blogging content? Impossible! Something had to give, and truth be told, I missed you all–but I LOVE planning a good party. The wedding was a wonderful joyful celebration for my daughter and her high school sweetheart. We are absolutely thrilled for them and their future together. Doesn’t my daughter make a stunning bride?!?

And now, after a brief life interruption, I’m back. And just in time!
A few months ago, an editor at Woman’s World reached out to me and told me my keto story was an editor favorite in 2019. How humbling! She asked if I they could feature me in a special year end magazine. Hello? Of COURSE! “Keto Over 50” is hitting magazine stands right now! You can find me on page 13 and page 26.
When I saw the title “Keto Over 50”, I had to remind myself–YES, I am over 50. In fact, I’m 52. But I feel better than I ever did in my 20s, 30s, and 40s. It’s a crazy fact!
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would successfully lose weight and drastically improve my health at the age of 50. For decades I constantly worried about the age-old advice that it’s impossible to lose weight as you age. Especially as you’re travelling through menopause! Before I discovered keto, each year passing year without weight loss success weighed so heavy on my mind and left me hopeless. I was certain I was destined to be obese for life and suffer the associated chronic conditions. Keto and Intermittent Fasting changed my life!
Thank God the heavy weight on my mind and my body is lifted. I am so grateful for the gift of a way of eating that finally worked for my metabolic mess. I discovered keto just two short months before I turned 50!
Are you skeptical? I understand how being on a weight loss roller coaster for DECADES will leave you skeptical. I certainly was. But I’m here to give you some hope and offer you some inspiration!
Perusing through my copy of this magazine, I see not just my story, but 17 other stories of health and healing in women over 50! If I can’t convince you keto works in women over 50, perhaps some of these ladies can drive home the point.

My journey has been all about controlling hormones! This sure gets a bit more complicated for women over 50. But seriously, if you are ready to control your health–get in touch with your hormones. It’s going to take some work on your part, but I really encourage you to spend the time learning. One of my favorite things I share with people is:
“Learn the science. Apply the science. Change your life!” Check out my YouTube video where I discuss my top five hard and fast rules for my success. I talk about this in the video!
I can encourage you all day long, but you’re gonna have to put in the time and hard work! Learn all you can. I’ve listed my favorite resources in my blog post “Favorite Resources {Doctors and Scientists in the Low-Carb Community”.
This magazine issue is packed with so much inspiration PLUS articles on:
- Recipes – breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, cocktails, snacks
- Keto swaps – instead of this, choose this
- The latest research in low-carb lifestyles
- Easy and effective tips
- How to stock your keto kitchen
- How to confront obstacles and avoid sabotage
It will be on display on magazine racks until March 23, 2020. Let me know when you grab it. After you read it, drop a comment below to share your favorite tip or trick you gained to help you on your joyful journey to health and wellness!

I’ve created a free resource for you with my favorite five tips for your weight loss success. Grab it here:
5 Tips to Jumpstart Your Health and Wellness Journey
Are you over 50? Drop a note below to let me know what topic you’d like to see me cover in the future.
I finally found it and just LOVE it. I don’t think I can choose one favorite part. Thank you for all you do. You are a huge inspiration.
Hi Marla! Thanks for letting me know. I’m glad you finally found it! Thank YOU for your encouragement and kind support. Happy New Year! Christine
I’ve been looking everywhere for this! Any stores you recommend checking?
Hi there, Cindy!
This is a special interest magazine which you will find in the magazine/book racks in stores – NOT at the checkout lane. I’ve found copies at Kroger, but that’s really the only place I’ve looked. It will be on display January – March! Let me know if you find it!
Happy New Year!
I Want to purchaseketo over 50
Hi there,
This magazine is a special interest publication available December 23 – March 23, 2020. You will NOT find it in checkout lanes, but rather in the magazine/book sections within retail stores! Please check there. Let me know where you find it!
Hi. . . I am in Texas and cannot find this special issue of Keto over 50. My daughers have been very successful, but I’m between weight watchers, semi fasting, semi Keto, not succeeding. Also is there a cost for the newsletters I submitted for. . .thank you kindly. Inez
Hi there, Inez! Thanks for writing. I think the best place to find the Keto Over 50 magazine is in a grocery store. Perhaps you’d like to try 100% keto and have better luck?
There is absolutely no cost to my newsletters. Thank you for subscribing!
Hi there! This was fun!
I already do keto and I.F., but recently had surgery and am just eating, right now, per doctor’s orders. Losing a little ground, but healing well.
I’ve been lo-carb since Dr. Atkins! But I take breaks from it, raising a family, garden, etc., is tough. I know I can go back on the diet any time. But since my doctor first suggested I.F. to me, and I lost so much so fast, with a 4-hour window, I have felt poorly nourished. I know I was not receiving enough protein, and felt I should really stuff myself with good, lo-carb food, during those 4 hours, to achieve good health. Right now, while I’m resting and healing, I’m rethinking it all and wonder if you ever felt malnourished. I know I need to get with my doctor about this, but also, just wonder how a person can get enough food in such a short time. Even six hours, as you do, is such a short time to get enough protein, it seems to me. Am I missing something?
Hi Katharine,
Nice to see you here! Thanks for commenting. Have you read The Obesity Code by Jason Fung MD? It is a very well written book on fasting and the science behind it.
Personally, I have never felt malnourished. When I was losing my weight and fasting…I had plenty of stored energy to feel well and healthy every day. In fact, I experienced amazing energy which I’ve never had before. I feel like my body functions optimally when I give it periods of rest from digestion.
I’d recommending reading the book if you haven’t yet. And also, when you eat––focus on your protein first, healthy fats second. Don’t stuff yourself. Eat to satiety. Eat when you’re hungry. When I eat my two meals a day, I get in an average of 1200-1400 calories (not that I count calories, but that’s what my Carb Manager app tells me).
Hope that helps!
I will be 60 in October. In 2019 I did keto (July through September) and intermediate fasting and lost 35 pounds in 4 months. This was due to my bloodwork and bad family history. My Mom died at 57 of hardening of the arteries.
On December 23rd I took my husband for a followup doctors appointment and found out his kidney cancer which we thought was isolated to the kidney that was removed had turned into renal cell carcinoma stage 4 kidney cancer that had moved to his lung. We were devastated. I had to go to cancer counseling just so I could handle it without bursting out in tears.. Then early 2020 his Mom passed away in a nursing home and Covid19 began. At a time I should have knowned to keep myself healthy I slowly got off track. I became a caregiver. It took me 17 mths to put a lot of the weight back on. I went to the doctor again June 2021 for bloodwork and again I went back on the plan but with a life long commitment attitude. Mainly because I feel like I will live longer to watch our grandkids grow up. I’ve lost 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks and although I know a lot of that is water weight it’s still motivating. Got back on my treadmill everyday and weights every other day which is already transforming my body. Since we couldn’t go anywhere last year I spent a lot of time in lounge ware which I thought was hiding the obvious. I’m only 5’4″ or at least I used to be so weight gain is hard to hide. Mostly it’s a silent killer for My family. Both my sister have diabetes. My goal is to be at my goal weight by the time I turn 60. 😉
Hi Robin!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I always love to hear your stories.
I am so sorry for the tremendous stress you have endured in recent years. It makes it very difficult to stay on track with your own personal health and wellness. I’m a 24/7 caretaker right now, so I totally get that stress and send you a big hug!
I am overjoyed to hear you are back on track…you keep going! And stick around for community support here! I’m launching a faith-based 21 Days in 2021 Challenge on Monday, July 12. You should join us! Details here: https://christinetrimpe.com/21-days-join
Be Joy•Fueled,